76 research outputs found


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    This article is a commentary to President Joko Widodo’s message in a speech given at the celebration of the UNPAR’s dies natalis in 2022, i.e. that manager of higher education institutions should adequately anticipate global uncertainty caused by the advance of industrial society 4.0 and the resulting technological disruptions. The comments given is made based on two different perspectives: legal scholars or academics n and practicing lawyers. In any case, those responsible for the management of higher education should respond to global uncertainty by developing skills to manage big data and other strategic steps.


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    This legal study, using a social-functional approach, underscores the importance of developing a viable social consumer protection system. Through it the government should promote a more effective consumer protection system in which any obstacle hampering consumer’s ability to obtain information necessary to make rational choices can be prevented.  In short, a system protecting consumer’s right to obtain information.  In this context, business enterprises are still expected to participate and support consumer protection movements at the national as well as regional level in which the end goal is to develop a fair business competition climate

    Laws of Language and Legal Language: a Study of Legal Language in Some Indonesian Regulations

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    Legal language must follow the laws of language (grammar) that widely known and commonly used by the public, including groups of the scientist. Legal language on the other hand also recognizes specific terminologies. These terminologies were introduced by jurists or by legislative power holders. Accordingly, legal language became the product of legal doctrines or political decisions. The problems arose when a number of compositions and legal terms turned out to be elusive, convoluted, and ambiguous due to the pattern of writing that was once done and because of certain considerations. This article proposed reviewing the factors that result in problems. The author presented a solution to observe using hermeneutic methods of law and legal reasoning. The author argued that the text of the law was not neutral since it was trapped not only by the laws of language but also by the perspective of the interpreters as they believed such a perspective was based on the guidance of legal science. By using legal hermeneutics can be checked the depth of the meaning of the law; while over the legal reasoning can be seen its rationale according to legal science


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    AbstractSoediman Kartohadiprodjo was one of few Indonesian legal scholars taking interest in Pancasila, the state ideology  promulgated by Soekarno. Soediman believe that social justice, the core concept of Pancasila corresponds with the “kekeluargaan” principle as found in the constitution.  However, he used the the term welfare or happines rather than social justice since the latter, according to him, tends to adopt liberalist and individualist principles, which according to him contradicts with Pancasila.  He also endorsed the idea of “legal revolution”as a mean to increase the Indonesian populace’ awareness about recent legal development post independence. This article discusses and critizes Soediman’s idea on social justice and legal revolution. Keywords: Pancasila, social justice, welfare state, law revolution

    Should Indonesia Block ChatGPT?

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    The development of ChatGPT has raised so many concerns that several countries have banned it in their respective countries. Italy was the first Western country to deny it, albeit temporarily. Italy’s action has prompted OpenAI to improve the ChatGPT technology to ensure that it meets the standards of consumer protection, data protection, privacy, and public security standards, as set out in the General Data Protection Regulation for European Union countries. This move by Italy raises the question of whether Indonesia should also block ChatGPT. The authors answer this question by examining data on Internet usage, its penetration of Indonesian citizens, and recent developments in regulatory provision and implementation. From the bibliographic research, the authors state that Indonesia is in a different bargaining position than Italy, even though the number of Internet users in Indonesia is far greater. The authors conclude that Indonesia will only benefit from blocking ChatGPT by first improving digital literacy levels and building regional cooperation. Keywords: artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, personal data protection

    Design And Simulation Of Solar Power Generation On Rooftops Towards Clean Technology

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    Various efforts are continuously being encouraged and pursued in order to achieve the clean energy transition program. The clear goal is to reach a renewable energy mix target of 23% by 2025. The use of electrical energy is increasing each year, but the availability of fossil energy as the majority fuel used in power generation is becoming limited. Indonesia, being located near the equator, experiences high solar radiation intensity. This potential can be utilized for harnessing solar energy as a power source. Additionally, the utilization of solar energy as an alternative source is more environmentally friendly as it reduces emissions from fossil fuel-based power generation. In this research, the design and planning of a solar power plant are conducted to create clean and environmentally friendly energy. The technical aspects are discussed and simulated using software. The author utilizes the Helioscope application for analyzing the feasibility of installing a solar power plant and conducting simulations. Based on the research results, by utilizing a roof area of 13,725 m2 and installing 2,305 solar modules with a capacity of 550 Wp per module, the solar power plant's capacity amounts to 1,267.8 kWp. The performance ratio is calculated to be 80.6%, and the energy production over a year is estimated at 1,695,000 MW

    The New Southbound Policy and legal constraints to Indonesia-Taiwan education exchange

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    For more about the East-West Center, see http://www.eastwestcenter.org/Tirta N. Mursitama, Shidarta, and Yi Ying, of BINUS University in Singapore, explain that "The scholarship and internship programs initiated by the Taiwanese government under NSP policies are parts of an innovative effort to strengthen the links between Indonesia and Taiwan.

    Keterlibatan Pemerintah Desa Dalam Meredam Konflik Antara PT. PRIA dengan Masyarakat Lakardowo

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    Konflik antara PT. PRIA dengan Masyarakat Lakardowo yang disebabkan oleh pencemaran lingkungan dibutuhkan peranan pemerintah desa selaku pengendali kebijakan di Desa untuk meredam konflik antara PT. PRIA dengan Masyarakat Lakardowo. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan metode pegumpulan data yaitu wawancara, obeservasi, dan dokumentasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui keterlibatan Pemerintah desa dalam meredam konflik antara masyarakat Lakardowo dengan PT. PRIA. Bedasarkan fenomena lapangan peneliti tertarik untuk menganalis konflik dengan menggunakan teori struktural fungsoinal konflik Lewis A Caser dan teori Pilihan Rasional James S Coleman. Konflik pencemaran lingkungan yang berada di Desa Lakardowo bertentangan dengan kewajiban pemerintah desa yang tertera pada Undang-Undang Nomor 6 tahun 2014 tentang Desa. Konflik realistis berkenaan dengan pilihan rasional yang mengakibatkan terbaginya dua golongan masyarakat yakni: golongan wong masyarakat dan golongan wong pabrik. Pemerintah Desa selaku pengendali kebijakan bertindak untuk meredam konflik antara PT. PRIA dengan masyarakat Lakrdowo. Tindakan pemerintah desa dalam meredam konflik, berupa: 1) menyaring setiap orang atau organisasi luar Desa Lakardowo ketika akan masuk ke Desa Lakardowo agar tidak terlibat konflik antara PT. PRIA dengan masyarakat Lakardowo; 2) Jalur agamis berupa istighosah rutin setiap Sabtu untuk mempererat tali silaturahmi antar masyarakat; dan 3) menempuh jalur hukum berupa aju banding di PTUN

    Praktik murabahah pada Kanindo Syariah

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    Murabahah is 99.80% of the contracts used in financing distribution in Kanindo Sharia. This study aims to determine the problems faced by kanindo sharia in the implementation of the murabahah contract. This study uses phenomenology to answer the research objectives. Understanding of AO, guarantees, understanding of members, and accuracy of contracts used are four problems found in financing activities. The solutions used to solve these problems are training employees, rescheduling installments and withdrawing collateral, socializing and intensive approaches to members, as well as reviewing financing agreements. Accounting practices carried out by Kanindo Syariah are not in accordance with PSAK 102. Accounting recognition in accordance with PSAK 102 is only found in murabahah asset acquisition transactions
